information signposting
Tyrolean mountain-way concept
Uniform signposting system
The uniform signposting system from the tyrolean mountain-way concept leads all hikers save and without any loop ways where they want to go.
Signposts are the main item of the signposting system for the hikingtrails and mountain-ways. To avoid a wood full of signposts in the natur around Nauders the number of signposts is as low as possible. Basically the signposts are fixed at each important crossroads, branch-off or fork. The signposts are yellow and they contain the destination (Ziel), walking-time (Gehzeit) and way number (Wegnummer). In addition there are red points for mid-grade ways as well as black points for difficult mountain-ways.
Position-plates contain the name as well as the spot height.

Lettering on bottom
Between the single signposts there is a lettering on bottom which is normally at the stones. The ways are signed at the wayside (rocks, spiles, ...) that everyone can find his way and reach the destination also when there are bad visibility conditions or bad weather. The first sign at the bottom is always near to the signpost. The other signs at the bottom are fixed so that they are visible from both directions of the way.