Wa(a)ldpark Mösle
Nature- and familyadventure
To smell fragrant forest herbs, to listen the singing of the birds and feel the freezing water at your skin.
At the recovery park area Mösle small and big visitors explore the alpine landscape with all of their senses.
To enjoy valuable time with your family, the Wa(a)ldpark Mösle is the perfect destination.
Nature-boys and -girls explore interesting play- and climbing stations, the walkways which are suitable for baby buggies, the idyllic nature pond and the "Waalweg". At the silent barbecue area you can take a break. Trees, plants and waters surprise you with unforgettable adventures
The woods have a soothing and also fascinating effect. The environment of a lot of animals and plants is also valueable for the human being.
Forest play area Mösle
Among the trees and at the different play stations the kids enjoy the nature: to swing, to cavort and play among the forest. The playground is located directly next to the nature pond Mösle and is reachable with a short walk (also suitable for baby-buggy).
Forest mile
An easy and flat walking way leads through the old forest from the Norbertshöhe to the Mösle and further to the Pflanzgarten. Along the route you find numerous places to rest, play or to barbecue. Moreover this adventure path is also suitable for baby buggies.

The element water symbolizes power, energy and life. It is important for the agriculture and nature, because all the plants and meadows need water to grow.
The family hikingway leads from the Norbertshöhe to the forest playground and the nature pond Mösle. Along the water way "Waalweg" you reach the Pflanzgarten. Clear mountain water leaks along the water way. The "Waalweg" cares for the green meadows and brings the water to the nature pond Mösle.
Nature pond
Directly next to the forest playground there is an idyllic pond, which developed from the water of the "Waal". The wetlands Mösle is biotope for many animals and plants. There is plenty to discover for nature-lovers - you can find alpine newts and water striders in the water.

Who wants to feel trees, plants and water very close, learns to love the nature and mountainworld at a very special mode.
In the past trees were grown at 1.545 meters. Also today this area has a natural attraction. At the small climbing garden kids and adults have the possibility to move and to run riot. The Kneipp water-treading basin cares for cooling and refreshment on hot summer days.

At the huge adventure world you have the possibility to explore the nature - a lot of fun and unforgettable hours with your family belong to this.
Barbecue area
The leisure area Mösle is the perfect spot for a barbecue, to have a snack and take a break. Next to the playground and the beautiful nature pond, surrounded by the trees the snack you brought along tastes especially good.
Family climbing
To climb a rock like the chamois is especially for kids an interesting experience. At the family climbing garden all adventurous families can make their first steps with the climbing harness, rope and helmet.

Who wants to explore new things, who wants to move, appreciates also the silence and delicious food to gain new energy.